Learn more, become a partner!

Have you become aware of Car Repair 4.0 and would you like to learn more? Find out how you can become an associated partner on a step-by-step basis. Read why there are different types of association status and what options are available to you per variant when it comes to supporting the project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).
What are the variants for a free partnership?
The associated partnership is essentially not associated with any financial obligations and is available on a voluntary basis. Two variants are open to interested parties:
- With a Letter of Intent (LOI), you sign your declaration of intent to support the “Car Repair 4.0” project within the notification entitled “Innovative and practical applications and data spaces in the Gaia-X digital ecosystem”. With your signature, you declare your commitment to participate in the research project.
- By signing an association agreement, you confirm your enrollment as an associated partner and your acceptance of the associated rights and obligations. These go beyond those of the LOI and are therefore bindingly fixed for the cooperation partners.
What opportunities does an LOI offer?
In submitting the signed scan or PDF, the following options arise for you as an associated partner:
- You can profile yourself as an associated partner of the BMWK funding project in the trade press, among your network partners, or via our website
- You will be added to the email distribution list: This communicates the project management among all associated partners, covering the project status and the progress of the project, further steps, research results, and project-related events and initiatives
- You will have the opportunity to present yourself to the other project partners in a 10 – 20 minute pitch
- You can be actively engaged via your initiatives, feedback and participation in the marketing meeting, as well as via dissemination, events or participation in workshops and networking events
What is the benefit of an association agreement?
As an agreement partner of the project consortium, you get to benefit from the following options when working with the other cooperation partners:
- Participation in information events
- Collaboration on conceptual layouts
- Formulation of specifications based on your own intended applications and experiences
- Integration of project findings into your own test settings and prototypes
- Implementation of tests
- Pivotal and constructive evaluations and feedback of results
- Support in public relations and dissemination in the industry
- Insight into preliminary project results for comment, trials, tests, including experimental integration into systems
- Receipt and appraisal of feedback, test results, comments
The associated partner with an association agreement is committed to: upholding the intellectual property rights and the project results, guaranteeing the confidentiality, and accepting the terms of liability.
For whom is CR 4.0 of interest?
CR 4.0 is a multi-faceted project that offers SMEs in and around the automotive industry many points of contact. It opens up solutions to the major challenges of the digital age, such as the shortage of skilled workers, the sustainability and conservation of resources, the complexity of electromobility, and fair competition between independent car repair shops and contract colleagues. AI-supported motor vehicle diagnostics are therefore not only aimed at workshop owners, IT service providers and diagnostics providers; those who are also welcome to become partners include innovative technology firms active in AI development, those who are active in certification, data collection, data processing and data storage, as well as associations, institutions and initiatives.
Jointly develop new business models
Work side by side with leading AI research institutions and universities, with software, platform and network experts, and/or with data trustees and Cloud Natives to develop an innovation and value creation network for SMEs. With CR 4.0, implement digital technologies and applications from Gaia-X, new business models and smart services with economic success.
How to become an associated partner
You will have successfully accomplished the initial contact via our website, social media, events, your network or other channels.
Step 1: Feel free to contact us via the form. We will organise a first initial appointment for you, during which you and Car Repair 4.0 will get to know each other.
Step 2: Following the meeting, you will receive an email from us which will outline the benefits of an associated partnership and provide helpful information. The LOI will be attached to the email.
Step 3:
Upon receipt of the signed LOI or association agreement, we look forward to officially welcoming you as an associated partner and offering you the opportunities described above.
Participating Car Repair Shops
Are you looking for a car repair shop near you that has already joined Car Repair 4.0? The following map will help you: Just click on the yellow car repair shop symbol and view the contact details of your local specialist car repair shop.
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